I have alot of people ask me..”What do ya do in the wintertime”….Well…..I commercial fish with my son Patrick on his boat “LITTLE CLAM” outta Hatteras,NC….We fish for Sharks,False Albacore, King Mackerel and Bluefish. Sometimes we use nets and sometimes we use hydraulic reels with wire line & hooks…Just depending…. We process the fish we […]
Hatteras Fishing Report

Well the season is coming on strong .We is now taking bookings for the 2025 season. We specialize in fun 1/2 day family oriented fishing/crabbing trips. We also do full day inshore as well as full day wreck fishing trips. On our 1/2 trips you can expect to catch Bluefish, Spanish& King Mackerel, Cobia Red […]
October 23 All Day Wreck/Bottom Fishing Trip

Triggerfish (Gray) Seabass (Black) King Mackerel (Kingfish) Trip Summary One of the few calm days of the year thus far. Caught Triggerfish ,Seabass, and a nice King Mackerel on the fast troll on the way out….Got plenty of OPEN DATES…Call 252-216-6765 or email fishwithfreeagent@gmail.com We will be available for charter all winter
October 17 All Day Inshore

Bluefish Trip Summary Well is was blowing harder today than yesterday…North/West a steady 25 knots gusting to 30 plus at times. We anchored up in the white water at Cape Point for a while trying to catch a Drum…no Drum..Caught some Bluefish …finally ended up in the Sound trolling and did OK on the Bluefish
October 16 All Day Inshore Trip

Bluefish Amberjack King Mackerel (Kingfish) Little Tunny (False Albacore) Trip Summary Well it was blowing about 20 knots gusting to 25 outta the North West. We trolled off the beach about 6 miles miles and caught some False Albacore, small Amberjacks and a King Mackerel.It got to a point that is was so rough we […]
October 12 All Day “Wreck/Bottom/Live Bait Fishing Trip”

Amberjack Seabass (Black) Triggerfish (Gray) King Mackerel (Kingfish) Trip Summary Had a buffet of stuff today. Caught some Amberjacks live bait fishing. Caught some Triggerfish & Seabass bottomfishing.Caught some King Mackerel trolling
October 7 All Day “Wreck/Bottom/Live Fishing “

Amberjack Triggerfish (Gray) Trip Summary Caught some Amberjacks live bait fishing and caught a few Triggerfish Bottom Fishing…Ocean was greasy, glassy, slick calm. One of the prettiest days of the years. Thanks Richard & Mimi

Amberjack King Mackerel (Kingfish) Seabass (Black) Bluefish Little Tunny (False Albacore) Redfish Spanish Mackerel Triggerfish (Gray) Trip Summary Haven’t had many trips as of lately and it is ironic that the days that I have had booked lately it has blown a freaking gale. Target species right now are King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, False Albacore, […]
Sept. 25 All Day Live Bait/ Bottom Fishing Trip

Jack (Almaco) Amberjack Bluefish Seabass (Black) Triggerfish (Gray) Trip Summary Well …after setting to the dock for 9 straight days due to weather and no trips we finally got back into the Ocean…THANK GOD..Spent half the trip live baiting and half the trip bottom fishing. Caught Almaco & Amberjacks live bait fishing and caught Triggerfish, […]
Sept. 13 am “Inlet Adventure”

Bluefish Spanish Mackerel Trip Summary Well today was probably the worse weather we have fished in all summer. These guys were great and had a good time.No way to get in the ocean. Spent the whole trip around the Inlet and back in Pamlico Sound. Struggled but came up with a small catch of nice […]